
Ruth has an Honors Diploma in Art and Creativity and was awarded a full scholarship to finish her final year.   Her work has three times been selected for publication by Artfind (for their diary and calendar) and she has been a finalist for the Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Award in 2008 and 2009, 2012 and 2014, as well as being a finalist in the Katikati National Mural Competition 2008.

 Working as a professional artist since 2004 her work can usually be found in Galleries throughout the North Island

 Born in New Zealand to British parents, she lives in Tauranga, in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.  Ruth's paintings express the human condition; she likes her work to have a narrative aspect and to go beyond being merely decorative.

 "As the years pass, I find myself taking a lot longer just thinking about a work,  before I even lay down a brush stroke, what I call the unconscious simmering and incubation period. I then work out what colour palette to use, which techniques, composition etc.  The actual painting process in usually quite straight forward once this gestation period is over.  I am trying to use less brushstrokes with each work, but making them more effective in terms of the right hue, value, chroma and shape.  Hopefully ending up with a work full of fresh, juicy painterly licks!

 My technique has evolved over the years; I love the excitement of colour and the spontaneity of abstraction.   However, for me, this is not enough to be able to communicate my stories, therefore I use elements of abstraction, with rich colour and dramatic layers of texture, thus creating a complex background.   I then use more  representational elements to create my narrative, building images with bold use of light and shadow to create form; with use of line, mark making, and negative shapes, interest is added to my work."



The Royal Easter Show, Auckland

Orakei Art Exhibition, Auckland


The Royal Easter show, Auckland

Orakei Art Exhibition, Auckland


The Royal Easter Show, Auckland

Orakei Art Exhibition, Auckland


The Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Awards Exhibition,



The Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Awards Exhibition, Whakatane


 Gallery 59 "mini's" Exhibition, Tauranga

 The New Zealand Art Show, Wellington

 Orakei Art Exhibition, Auckland

 Baradene Art Exhibition, Auckland


 Gallery 59 "mini's" Exhibition, Tauranga

 The New Zealand Art Show, Wellington

 Orakei Art Exhibition, Auckland

Baradene Art Exhibition, Auckland

 Bethlehem College Art Exhibition, Tauranga

 The Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Awards Exhibition, Whakatane


Gallery 59 'Gifted' Exhibition, Tauranga

 Bethlehem College Art Exhibition, Tauranga

 Orakei Art Exhibition, Auckland

 Baradene Art Exhibition, Auckland


'Braveheart'  by invite only, curated by Liz Caughey (aurthor of 5 books on NZ art), Auckland

 Baradene Art Exhibition, Auckland

 The Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Awards Exhibition, Whakatane 


 Single artist wall at the New Zealand art show - Wellington  

 Bethlehem College  Art Exhibition - Tauranga

  'Celebration 2 Exhibition 2009' at Creative Tauranga - 23 locally celebrated artists

 The Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Awards Exhibition, Whakatane 


 The Garden & Artfest Tauranga

 The Original Art Show in Auckland

 The Affordable New Zealand Art show in Wellington

 St Andrew's Anglican Church, 22-24 August, Epsom, Auckland

 Bethlehem College art exhibition - Tauranga


 The Original Art Sale - Auckland

 Bethlehem College Art Exhibition - Tauranga

 The New Zealand Affordable Art Show - Wellington

 National Women's Art Exhibition, 1-8 June 2007, Lindauer Cellars Gisborne


 NZ Academy of Fine Arts  spring exhibition November (Wellington)

 Oct - Awareness exhibition - featuring 5 Bay of Plenty Artists - Shelley Rich, Hayley Brown, Louise Prastiti, Bryce Brown, Ruth Vickers - at Bay Nissian Tauranga

 The New Zealand Affordable Art Show -  August  (Wellington)

 Bethlehem College exhibition - Tauranga

 Solo Exhibition - 'Evidence of Inhabitation' - The Art Boutique - Tauranga 


 The New Zealand Affordable Art Show -  Wellington

 End of Term 3 Exhibition at 'The Learning Connexion'  (Wellington)

 End of Term 1 Exhibition at 'The Learning Connexion' Wellington


 Garden & Art Fest - Tauranga

 End of Term 4 Exhibition at 'The Learning Connexion' 

 End of Term 2 Exhibition at 'The Learning Connexion' Wellington


 End of Term 4 Exhibition at 'The Learning Connexion' Wellington

 Mid year exhibition 'Tauranga Art Society'

 1992 - 2003

 Work produced and printed for the 'Hastings Club'

 Various works sold in 'Gallery 246' Hastings

 Work produced for the Herald Tribune  (fashion drawings)  Hawkes Bay